- Organization: Volvo
- Type: Funding
- Award: USD 150,000
- Application Deadline: January 10,2022
About the Award: The Volvo Environment Prize is awarded by an independent foundation. A Scientific Committee does the initial screening and evaluation of candidates. The International Prize Jury, a group of internationally renowned scientists, makes the final selection of prize laureate.
Type: Contest
Eligibility: The span of disciplines and activities for which nominations can be made is wide and includes all disciplines which have relevance to the environment. The research of nominees should be based on scientific grounds but must clearly show impacts outside of the specific discipline.
Eligible Countries: All
Number of Awards: Not specified
Value of Award:The Volvo Environment Prize is awarded annually. The Prize consists of a hand-crafted diploma, a glass sculpture, and a cash award for SEK 1.5 million (approximately EUR 140,000 or USD 150,000). The award ceremony is in Stockholm in November each year.
How to Apply: Nominations must include the following:
- A short letter of motivation
- A detailed description of the research the nominee has conducted and how it adds to our knowledge around environmental science. Main achievements and their importance should be emphasized.
Emphasis must also be placed on the impacts of the research outside of the particular discipline e.g., impacts on policy development, impacts on sustainability and/or contribution to changed behavior. - CV of the nominee + list of published paper/s and links if available.
- Letter/s of reference. Maximum 3 letters written by someone other than the nominator.
- Nominations should be submitted in English using the official form available at www.environment-prize.com. When not feasible, please contact the secretariat info@environment-prize.com